When was the last time you had a painful neck from just rocking out to a song? I presume you can't remember. It's because you guys are still listening to today's bullshit. And I don't know how to break this down for you guys, but you guys need to be electrocuted. You guys should know by now that you just don't jam to song, you guys should be hitting your heads on the wall till there is blood all over the place. Now that can be considered a good metal work out. Can you imagine how many calories you fat people would burn? Unfortunately, kids these says don't know the real essence of rocking out. If you continue to listen to lady gaga, nicki minaj or even your parents, you guys are gonna end up in a ward eating cereal for the rest of your life. That's life! So stop listening to horse shit and listen to some fucking metal. And that's why you guys have me, this is where you score your monthly dope which in this case is good old head crushing metal. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the biggest fucking metal band in the world. METALLICA. Thanks and metal off!